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październik 2019

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Zaproszenie do udziału w zajęciach Action research and other strategies for collective auto reflection and improvement of practice

Data: 21.10.2019 - 31.10.2019
Szanowni Państwo,
zapraszamy do udziału w zajęciach Action research and other strategies for collective auto reflection and improvement of practice prowadzonych w ramach programu ZintegrUJ w dniach 21, 24, 28, 31 października 2019 r.
[21.10.2019 r. poniedziałek godz. 16.45-18.15, sala nr 0.312; 24.10.2019 r. czwartek godz. 16.45-18.15, sala nr 0.312; 28.10.2019 r. poniedziałek godz. 16.45-18.15, sala nr 0.312; 31.10.2019 r. czwartek godz. 8.00-9.30, sala nr 0.312

Uczestnicy ww. zajęć otrzymają certyfikat potwierdzający uczestnictwo w zajęciach oraz 1 ECTS.

Uprzejmie prosimy o przesyłanie zgłoszeń drogą mailową do 16 października 2019 r. włącznie.

Zajęcia poprowadzi profesor John M. Fischer z Bowling Green State University z USA.

Action research and other strategies for collective auto reflection and improvement of practice

 The world is quickly changing around us. Action Research helps us to focus on the perceptions and results of the work and environments we inhabit in that world. This seminar will center on how Action Research is a process and method of inquiry focused on people and impacts. It is a methodology centered on moving and affecting changes that come about for all who come in contact with those realities. Action Research is a distributive theoretical stance for purposely looking at and reflecting on the world around us in our institutions, work place, and community. Ultimately, it is an effort to bring our identity and our researcher lens into a process of dialog with those who inhabit those institutions, work places, and communities. Action Research serves as a means of critique and improvement around actions taken, policy decisions, and engagement practices by those same entities as they continuously change.